Showing 1 - 25 of 71 Results
Cognitive Planning The Psychological Basis of Intelligent Behavior by Das, J. P., Kar, Binod C., ... ISBN: 9780803992870 List Price: $60.95
Transplantation and Blood Transfusion by Das, P. C., Opelz, G. ISBN: 9780898386868 List Price: $106.00
Applying HACCP-based Quality Risk Management on dairy Farms by Noordhuizen, J. P. T. M., C... ISBN: 9789086860524 List Price: $127.00
Science and Partial Truth A Unitary Approach to Models and Scientific Reasoning by French, Steven P., da Costa... ISBN: 9780195156515 List Price: $100.00
Advancements in Marine Structures: Proceedings of the 1st MARSTRUCT International Conference... by Soares, C. Guedes, Soares, ... ISBN: 9780415437257 List Price: $236.95
Trigger Factors in Transfusion Medicine Proceedings of the Twentieth International Symposium... by Smit, C. T., Das, P. C., Sn... ISBN: 9780792342557 List Price: $166.00
Cytokines and Growth Factors in Blood Transfusion Proceedings of the Twentyfirst Internation... by Sibinga, C. Smit, Das, P. C... ISBN: 9780792347873 List Price: $162.00
Hereditary Diseases and Blood Transfusion Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Sympos... by Das, P. C., Bri, E., Sibing... ISBN: 9780792336945 List Price: $206.00
Quality Assurance in Blood Banking and Its Clinical Impact Proceedings of the Seventh Annual... by Sibinga, C. T., Das, P. C. ISBN: 9780898386189 List Price: $138.00
Cryopreservation and Low Temperature Biology in Blood Transfusion by Smit Sibinga, C. Th., Das, ... ISBN: 9780792309086 List Price: $161.00
Future Developments in Blood Banking by Sibinga, Smith C., Das, P. ... ISBN: 9780898388244 List Price: $161.00
Good Manufacturing Practice in Transfusion Medicine Proceedings of the Eighteenth Internatio... by Sibinga, C. T., Das, P. C.,... ISBN: 9780792330097 List Price: $179.00
Automation in Blood Transfusion Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Blo... by Sibinga, Smith C., Das, P. ... ISBN: 9780792304883 List Price: $278.00
Blood Transfusion and Problems of Bleeding by Sibinga, C. T., Das, P. C.,... ISBN: 9789024730582 List Price: $191.00
Alternative Approaches to Human Blood Resources in Clinical Practice Proceedings of the Twen... by Sibinga, C. Smith, Das, P. ... ISBN: 9780792383055 List Price: $199.00
White Cells and Platelets in Blood Transfusion by Sibinga, C. T., Das, P. C.,... ISBN: 9780898389760 List Price: $218.00
Supportive Therapy in Haematology by Das, P. C., Sibinga, Smith ... ISBN: 9780898387001 List Price: $325.00
Transfusion Medicine Fact and Fiction Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Symposium,... by Sibinga, C. T., Das, P. C.,... ISBN: 9780792317326 List Price: $166.00
High Performance Composites for the 1990's : Proceedings of a TMS Northeast Regional Symposi... by Das, S. K., Ballard, C. P.,... ISBN: 9780608038193 List Price: $169.30
Plasma Fractionation and Blood Transfusion (Developments in Hematology and Immunology) by Sibinga, C. T., Das, P. C.,... ISBN: 9780898387612 List Price: $75.00
High Performance Composites for the 1990's by Das, S. K., Ballard, C. P.,... ISBN: 9780873391689 List Price: $20.00
Seed Production Technology by P C Das ISBN: 9788186099643
Agronomy: Principles and Practices by P C & R K Ghosh Das ISBN: 9788186099827
Direito Financeiro e Direito Econ�mico : � Luz Da Jurisprud�ncia e Da Administra��o Dos Trib... by Andr� C Carvalho, Alessandr... ISBN: 9781660154463 List Price: $9.51
Automation in Blood Transfusion by Smit Sibinga, C. Th., Das, ... ISBN: 9781441947444 List Price: $278.00
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